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2010/09–2015/12 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,材料学专业,博士

2006/09–2010/07 天津大学凯发旗舰厅官网,材料科学与工程专业,学士


2016/06–至今 湖南科技大学凯发旗舰厅官网

2019/03–2020/03 瑞典乌普萨拉大学工程系,访问学者

2015/12–2016/06 湖南科技大学化学化工学院




1. 主持:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年基金项目1项、一般项目1项。

2. 参与:国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。


[1] Liu Wenjuan, Huan Zhiguang, Wu Chengtie et al. High-strength calcium silicate-incorporated magnesium phosphate bone cement with osteogenic potential for orthopedic application [J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2022, 247: 110324.

[2] Liu Wenjuan, Wu chengtie, Chang Jiang et al. Novel tricalcium silicate/magnesium phosphate composite bone cement having high compressive strength,in vitro bioactivity and cytocompatibility [J]. Acta Biomaterialia, 2015, 21: 217–227.

[3] Liu Wenjuan, Wu Chengtie, Chang Jiang et al. The effect of plaster (CaSO4•1/2H2O) on the compressive strength, self-setting property, and in vitro bioactivity of silicate-based bone cement [J]. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2013, 101B (2): 279-286.

[4] Liu Wenjuan, Huan Zhiguang, Chang Jiang et al. Strontium-substituted dicalcium silicate bone cements with enhanced osteogenesis potential for orthopaedic applications [J]. Materials, 2019, 12(14): 2276-2291.

[5] Bai Xuan#, Liu Wenjuan#, Xu Laijun, Ye Qing, Zhou Huasi, Berg Camilla, Yuan He, Li Jiyao, Xia Wei. Sequential macrophage transition facilitates endogenous bone regeneration induced by Zn-doped porous microcrystalline bioactive glass [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2021, 9, (12), 2885-2898.

[6] Yang Yun, Liu Wenjuan *, et al. Synthesis and characterization of terpolymers of poly(l-lactide-glycolide-ε-caprolactone) [J]. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B-Physics, 2018, 57(8): 562-571.

[7] Zhang Na, Liu Wenjuan, Chang Jiang et al. Tailoring Si-substitution level of Si-hydroxyapatite nanowires via regulating Si-content of calcium silicates as hydrothermal precursors [J]. Ceramics International, 2014, 40 (7): 11239-11243.

[8] Du Rong, Wu Tiantian, Liu Wenjuan et al. Role of the Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase 1/2 Pathway in Driving Tricalcium Silicate-induced Proliferation and Biomineralization of Human Dental Pulp Cells In Vitro [J]. Journal of Endodontics, 2013, 39 (8): 1023-1029.


[1] 指导2018届学生获得本科生优秀毕业设计。

[2] 指导本科生获“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校级奖1项。

[3] 指导本科生校级创新项目2项。