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周五星,男,1987年8月出生,民革党员,教授,硕士生导师,湖南省青年科技人才(荷尖),雨湖区政协委员,湖南科技大学凯发旗舰厅官网副院长。主要从事半导体材料中的电子输运、热输运以及热电转换性质研究。目前主持完成国家自然科学青年基金项目1项,主持在研国家自然基金面上项目1项,在Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Physical Review Applied, Applied Physics Letters等国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文80余篇,SCI引用2000多次。



2018年8月——至今 湖南科技大学凯发旗舰厅官网

2016年12月——2017年12月 博士后 新加坡国立大学先进二维材料和石墨烯研究中心

2015年7月——2018年7月 助理研究员 湖南大学 物理与微电子科学学院

2010年9月——2015年6月 硕博连读 湖南大学 物理与微电子科学学院 物理学

2006年9月——2010年6月 本科 湖南大学 物理与微电子科学学院 应用物理学


1. 纳米尺度热输运

2. 纳米电子学

3. 热电材料设计


1. 湖南省青年科技创新人才(荷尖),直接经费:40万,项目起止年月:2023年7月——2026年7月。(在研)

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:全固态锂电池电极材料及界面热输运微观机理与性能调控,直接费用:62万,项目起止年月:2021年1月——2024年12月。(在研)

3. 国家自然科学青年基金:半导体纳米尺度热信息器件计算设计及声子调控,直接费用:22万,项目起止年月:2017年1月——2019年12月。(已结题)


[1] X-K Chen, Y Zhang, QQ Luo, X Chen, PZ Jia*, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Large contributions from optical phonons to thermal transport in hexagonal carbon-boron-nitrogen monolayers, Physical Review B 108 (23), 235420 (2023).

[2] A Chen, H Tong, CW Wu, SY Li, PZ Jia*, Wu-Xing Zhou*, First-principles prediction of the thermal conductivity of two configurations of difluorinated graphene monolayer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26 (1), 421-429 (2024).

[3] Cheng-Wei Wu, Fan Li, Yu-Jia Zeng, Hongwei Zhao, Guofeng Xie, Wu-Xing Zhou,* Q Liu,* G Zhang,* Machine learning accelerated design of 2D covalent organic frame materials for thermoelectrics, Applied Surface Science, 157947 (2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.157947.

[4] Shi-Yi Li, Cheng-Wei Wu, Long-Ting Liu, Hui-Ling Kuang, Yu-Jia Zeng, Dan Wu, G Xie, WX Zhou, Machine learning-assisted investigation of the impact of lithium-ion de-embedding on the thermal conductivity of LiFePO4, Applied Physics Letters 122, 262201 (2023).

[5] Xue Ren, Cheng-Wei Wu, Shi-Yi Li, Zhong-Xiang Xie*, Wu-Xing Zhou*,Tuning interfacial thermal conductance of GaN/AlN heterogeneous nanowires by constructing core/shell structure, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35 (11), 115302 (2023).

[6] Cheng-Wei Wu, Hui Pan, Yu-Jia Zeng, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Gang Zhang*Nano phononic metamaterials Enables Anomalous Enhancement in Interfacial Thermal Conductance of GaN/AlN Heterojunction, Nanoscale 15, 6732-6737 (2023).

[7] Ao Chen, Hua Tong, Cheng-Wei Wu, Guofeng Xie, Zhong-Xiang Xie*, Chang-Qing Xiang*, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Stress effect on lattice thermal conductivity of anode material NiNb2O6 for lithium-ion batteries, Chinese Physics B 32, 058201 (2023).

[8] Pin-Zhen Jia, Jia-Ping Xie, Xue-Kun Chen, Yong Zhang, Xia Yu, Yu-Jia Zeng, Zhong-Xiang Xie*, Yuan-Xiang Deng*, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Recent progress of two-dimensional heterostructures for thermoelectric applications, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35 (7), 073001 (2022).

[9] Cheng-Wei Wu, Xue Ren, Shi-Yi Li, Yu-Jia Zeng, Wu-Xing Zhou*,Guofeng Xie*, Significant regulation of stress on the contribution of optical phonons to thermal conductivity in layered Li2ZrCl6: First-principles calculations combined with the machine-learning potential approach, Applied Physics Letters 121 (17), 172201 (2022).

[10] Xue-Kun Chen, Jia-Ling Tan, Min Pang, Zhong-Xiang Xie*, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Jun Liu*, Interlayer coupling-induced controllable negative differential thermal resistance in graphene/h-BN van der Waals heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters 121 (14), 142203 (2022).

[11] Pin-Zhen Jia, Zhong-Xiang Xie, Yuan-Xiang Deng, Yong Zhang, Li-Ming Tang, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, High thermoelectric performance induced by strong anharmonic effects in monolayer (PbX)2(X=S, Se, Te), Applied Physics Letters 121 (4), 043901 (2022).

[12] Cheng-Wei Wu, Xue Ren, Guofeng Xie, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Gang Zhang*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Enhanced High-Temperature Thermoelectric Performance by Strain Engineering in BiOCl, Physical Review Applied 18 (1), 014053 (2022).

[13] Yan Gan, Chen-Wei Wu, Zhong-Xiang Xie*, Yuan-Xiang Deng, Yong Zhang, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Xue-Kun Chen*, Excellent Medium-Temperature Thermoelectric Performance of Monolayer BiOCl, Langmuir 38 (25), 7733-7739 (2022).

[14] Cheng-Wei Wu, Xue Ren, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Guofeng Xie, Gang Zhang*, Thermal stability and thermal conductivity of solid electrolytes, APL Materials 10 (4), 040902 (2022).

[15] Cheng-Wei Wu, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Guofeng Xie, Xue-Kun Chen, Dan Wu*, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in graphenylene nanoribbons by suppressing phonon thermal conductance: the role of phonon local resonance, Nanotechnology 33 (21), 215402 (2022).

[16] Changqing Xiang, Cheng-Wei Wu, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Guofeng Xie*, Gang Zhang*, Thermal transport in lithium-ion battery: A micro perspective for thermal management, Frontiers of Physics 17, 1-11 (2022).

[17] 吴成伟, 任雪, 周五星*, 谢国锋, 多孔石墨烯纳米带各向异性和超低热导的理论研究, 物理学报 (2022).

[18] Yu-Jia Zeng, Yue-Yang Liu, Hui Pan, Zhong-Ke Ding, Wu-Xing Zhou, Li-Ming Tang, Baowen Li, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Thermoelectric Conversion From Interface Thermophoresis and Piezoelectric Effects, Frontiers in Physics, 152 (2022).

[19] 吴成伟, 谢国锋*, 周五星*, 全固态锂离子电池内部热输运研究前沿, 物理学报 (2022).

[20] Xuan-Hao Cao, Dan Wu, Jiang Zeng, Nan-Nan Luo, Wu-Xing Zhou, Li-Ming Tang*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Controllable anisotropic thermoelectric properties in 2D covalent organic radical frameworks, Applied Physics Letters 119 (26), 263901 (2021).

[21] Hai-Qing Xie, Dan Wu, Xiao-Qing Deng, Zhi-Qiang Fan*, Wu-Xing Zhou, Chang-Qing Xiang, Yue-Yang Liu, Simulations of monolayer SiC transistors with metallic 1T-phase MoS2 contact for high performance application, Chinese Physics B 30 (11), 117102 (2021).

[22] Bin Ding, Xiaoyan Li, Wu-Xing Zhou, Gang Zhang*, Huajian Gao*, Anomalous strain effect on the thermal conductivity of low-buckled two-dimensional silicene, National science review 8 (9), nwaa220 (2021).

[23] Dan Wu, Lin Huang, Pin-Zhen Jia, Xuan-Hao Cao, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Tunable spin electronic and thermoelectric properties in twisted trianguleneπ-dimer junctions, Applied Physics Letters 119 (6), 063503 (2021).

[24] Hengyu Yang, Guofeng Xie*, Xue-Liang Zhu, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ning Xu*, First-Principles Calculations on Thermoelectric Properties of Layered Transition Metal Phosphides MP2(M = Ni, Pd, Pt), Journal of Electronic Materials 50, 2510-2520 (2021).

[25] Cheng-Wei Wu, Changqing Xiang, Hengyu Yang, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Guofeng Xie, Baoli Ou, Dan Wu*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties in two-dimensional monolayer Si2BN by adsorbing halogen atoms, Chinese Physics B 30 (3), 037304 (2021).

[26] Ke Wang, WuXing Zhou, Yuan Cheng, Min Zhang, Hai Wang*, Gang Zhang*, Magnetic order-dependent phonon properties in 2D magnet CrI 3, Nanoscale 13 (24), 10882-10890 (2021).

[27] Pin-Zhen Jia, Dan Wu, Qian-Qian Zhang, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Ye-Xin Feng, Li-Ming Tang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Design of Thermal Metamaterials with Excellent Thermal Control Functions by Using Functional Nanoporous Graphene, physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 14 (10), 2000333 (2020).

[28] A Suwardi, J Cao, Y Zhao, J Wu, SW Chien, XY Tan, L Hu, X Wang, W Wang, D Li, Y Yin, W-X Zhou, DVM Repaka, J Chen, Y Zheng, Q Yan, G Zhang*, J Xu*, Achieving high thermoelectric quality factor toward high figure of merit in GeTe, Materials Today Physics 14, 100239 (2020).

[29] Ya-Nan Peng, Ji-Feng Yu, Xuan-Hao Cao, Dan Wu, Pin-Zhen Jia, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, An efficient mechanism for enhancing the thermoelectricity of twin graphene nanoribbons by introducing defects, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 122, 114160 (2020).

[30] Xue-Liang Zhu, Hengyu Yang, Wu-Xing Zhou, Baotian Wang*, Ning Xu*, Guofeng Xie*, KAgX (X= S, Se): High-Performance Layered Thermoelectric Materials for Medium-Temperature Applications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (32), 36102-36109 (2020).

[31] Heng-Yu Yang, Ya-Li Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou, Guo-Feng Xie*, Ning Xu*, Ultra-low thermal conductivity of roughened silicon nanowires: Role of phonon-surface bond order imperfection scattering, Chinese Physics B 29 (8), 086502 (2020).

[32] Qian-Qian Zhang, Pin-Zhen Jia, Xue-Kun Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Thermal transport properties in monolayer group-IV binary compounds, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (30), 305301 (2020).

[33] Zhong-Xiang Xie*, Xia Yu, Xue-Kun Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou, Yi-Min Shi, Li-Fu Zhang*, Modulation of thermal transport in AlxGa1xAs alloy nanowires with varying compositions, Applied Physics Letters 116 (14), 143102 (2020).

[34] Wu-Xing Zhou, Dan Wu, Guofeng Xie, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Gang Zhang*, α-Ag2S: A Ductile Thermoelectric Material with HighZT, ACS omega 5 (11), 5796-5804 (2020).

[35] Wu‐Xing Zhou, Yuan Cheng, Ke‐Qiu Chen, Guofeng Xie*, Tian Wang*, Gang Zhang*,Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Materials, Advanced Functional Materials 30 (8), 1903829 (2020).

[36] Yu‐Jia Zeng, Dan Wu, Xuan‐Hao Cao, Wu‐Xing Zhou, Li‐Ming Tang, Ke‐Qiu Chen*, Nanoscale organic thermoelectric materials: measurement, theoretical models, and optimization strategies, Advanced Functional Materials 30 (8), 1903873 (2020).

[37] Yunshan Zhao, Xiangjun Liu, Ashutosh Rath, Jing Wu, Baowen Li, Wu-Xing Zhou, Guofeng Xie, Gang Zhang*, John TL Thong*, Probing thermal transport across amorphous region embedded in a single crystalline silicon nanowire, Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-8 (2020).

[38] Heng-Yu Yang, Ya-Li Chen, WuXing Zhou, Guofeng  Xie*, Ning Xu*, Ultra-low thermal conductivity of roughened silicon nanowires: Role of phonon-surface bond order imperfection scattering[J], Chinese Physics, 29 (8), 102-107 (2020).

[39] Ady Suwardi, Jing Cao, Lei Hu, Fengxia Wei, Jing Wu, Yunshan Zhao, Su Hui Lim, Lan Yang, Xian Yi Tan, Sheau Wei Chien, Yan Yin, Wu-Xing Zhou, Wong Lai Mun Nancy, Xizu Wang, Suo Hon Lim, Xiping Ni, Dengfeng Li, Qingyu Yan, Yun Zheng, Gang Zhang*, Jianwei Xu*, Tailoring the phase transition temperature to achieve high-performance cubic GeTe-based thermoelectrics, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (36), 18880-18890 (2020).

[40] Wu Dan, Xuan-Hao Cao, Pin-Zhen Jia, Yu-Jia Zeng, Li-Ming Tang, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Excellent thermoelectric performance in weak-coupling molecular junctions with electrode doping and electrochemical gating, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 63,276811 (2020).

[41] Pin-Zhen Jia, Yu-Jia Zeng, Dan Wu, Hui Pan, Xuan-Hao Cao, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Zhong-Xiang Xie, Ji-Xu Zhang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Excellent thermoelectric performance induced by interface effect in MoS2/MoSe2 van der Waals heterostructure, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (5), 055302 (2019).

[42] Liang-Po Tang, Qian-Ze Li, Cai-Xin Zhang, Feng Ning, Wu-Xing Zhou, Li-Ming Tang*, Ke-Qiu Chen, Prediction of intrinsic ferromagnetism in two-dimension planar metal-organic framework semiconductors, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 488, 165354 (2019).

[43] Zhong-Xiang Xie, Yong Zhang, Xue-Kun Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Guo-Jun Yi, Yi-Min Shi, Ji-Xu Zhang, Li-Fu Zhang*, Phonon transport in periodically and quasi-periodically modulated cylindrical nanowires, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (50), 505303 (2019).

[44] Xuan-Hao Cao, Dan Wu, Ye-Xin Feng, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Li-Ming Tang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Effect of electrophilic substitution and destructive quantum interference on the thermoelectric performance in molecular devices, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (34), 345303 (2019).

[45] Xue-Liang Zhu, Peng-Fei Liu, Guofeng Xie*, Wu-Xing Zhou, Bao-Tian Wang, Gang Zhang*, Thermoelectric Properties of Hexagonal M2C3 (M= As, Sb, and Bi) Monolayers from First-Principles Calculations, Nanomaterials 9 (4), 597 (2019).

[46] Xue-Liang Zhu, Peng-Fei Liu, Junrong Zhang, Ping Zhang, Wu-Xing Zhou, Guofeng Xie*, Bao-Tian Wang*, Monolayer SnP 3: an excellent p-type thermoelectric material, Nanoscale 11 (42), 19923-19932 (2019).

[47] Shi-Zhang Chen, Yuan-Xiang Deng, Xuan-Hao Cao, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ye-Xin Feng, Li-Ming Tang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Exploring high-performance anodes of Li-ion batteries based on the rules of pore-size dependent band gaps in porous carbon foams, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (38), 21976-21984 (2019).

[48] Dan Wu, Xuan-Hao Cao, Shi-Zhang Chen, Li-Ming Tang, Ye-Xin Feng, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Pure spin current generated in thermally driven molecular magnetic junctions: a promising mechanism for thermoelectric conversion, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (32), 19037-19044 (2019).

[49] Yuan-Xiang Deng, Shi-Zhang Chen, Yun Zeng, Yexin Feng, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Li-Ming Tang*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Spin gapless semiconductor and half-metal properties in magnetic penta-hexa-graphene nanotubes, Organic Electronics 63, 310-317 (2018).

[50] Yunqiu He, Si-Qin Wang, Xiong-Xiong Xue, Lixin Zhang, Ke-Qiu Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Yexin Feng*, Ab initio study of the moisture stability of lead iodine perovskites, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (35), 355501 (2018).

[51] Shi-Zhang Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ji-Feng Yu, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Nanoporous carbon foam structures with excellent electronic properties predicted by first-principles studies, Carbon 129, 809-818 (2018).

[52] Yu-Jia Zeng, Yue-Yang Liu, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Nanoscale thermal transport: Theoretical method and application, Chinese Physics B 27 (3), 036304 (2018).

[53] Yuan-Xiang Deng, Shi-Zhang Chen, Yun Zeng*, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Large spin rectifying and high-efficiency spin-filtering in superior molecular junction, Organic Electronics 50, 184-190 (2017).

[54] Xuan-Hao Cao, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Chang-Yong Chen*, Li-Ming Tang, Mengqiu Long, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Excellent thermoelectric properties induced by different contact geometries in phenalenyl-based single-molecule devices, Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10842 (2017).

[55] Le Xie, Shi-Zhang Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Large rectifying ratio in a nitrogen-doped armchair graphene device modulated by the gate voltage, Organic Electronics 46, 150-157 (2017).

[56] Ting Tan, Shi-Zhang Chen, Xuan-Hao Cao, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Fang Xie*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Large anisotropic thermal conductivity and excellent thermoelectric properties observed in carbon foam, Journal of Applied Physics 122 (2), 024304 (2017).

[57] Peng-Yu Xiong, Shi-Zhang Chen, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Semiconductor-metal transition induced by giant Stark effect in blue phosphorene nanoribbons, Physics Letters A 381 (24), 2016-2020 (2017).

[58] Yan Wang†, Wu-Xing Zhou†, Le Huang, Congxin Xia, Li-Ming Tang, Hui-Xiong Deng, Yongtao Li, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Jingbo Li*, Zhongming Wei*, Light induced double onstate anti-ambipolar behavior and self-driven photoswitching in p-WSe2/n-SnS2 heterostructures, 2D Materials 4 (2), 025097 (2017).

[59] Shi-Zhang Chen, Fang Xie, Feng Ning, Yue-Yang Liu, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ji-Feng Yu, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Breaking surface states causes transformation from metallic to semi-conducting behavior in carbon foam nanowires, Carbon 111, 867-877 (2017).

[60] Jue Wang, Fang Xie, Xuan-Hao Cao, Si-Cong An, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Li-Ming Tang*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Excellent Thermoelectric Properties in monolayer WSe 2 Nanoribbons due to Ultralow Phonon Thermal Conductivity, Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-8 (2017).

[61] Yue-Yang Liu, Bo-Lin Li, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Triggering piezoelectricity directly by heat to produce alternating electric voltage, Applied Physics Letters 109 (11), 113107 (2016).

[62] Xue-Kun Chen, Zhong-Xiang Xie, Wu-Xing Zhou, Li-Ming Tang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Phonon wave interference in graphene and boron nitride superlattice, Applied Physics Letters 109 (2), 023101 (2016).

[63] Xue Zhang, Wu-Xing Zhou*, Xue-Kun Chen, Yue-Yang Liu, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Significant decrease in thermal conductivity of multi-walled carbon nanotube induced by inter-wall van der Waals interactions, Physics Letters A 380 (21), 1861-1864 (2016).

[64] Xue-Kun Chen, Zhong-Xiang Xie, Wu-Xing Zhou, Li-Ming Tang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Thermal rectification and negative differential thermal resistance behaviors in graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterojunction, Carbon 100, 492-500 (2016).

[65] Xue-Kun Chen, Zhong-Xiang Xie, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, The thermal conductivity in hybridised graphene and boron nitride nanoribbons modulated with strain, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (11), 115301 (2016).

[66] Yue-Yang Liu, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Conjunction of standing wave and resonance in asymmetric nanowires: a mechanism for thermal rectification and remote energy accumulation, Scientific reports 5 (1), 17525 (2015).

[67] Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, First-principles determination of ultralow thermal conductivity of monolayer WSe2, Scientific reports 5 (1), 1-8 (2015).

[68] Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in β-graphyne nanoribbons by suppressing phononic thermal conductance, Carbon 85, 24-27 (2015).

[69] Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance by reducing phonon thermal conductance in multiple core-shell nanowires, Scientific reports 4, 7150 (2014).

[70] Yue-Yang Liu, Wu-Xing Zhou, Li-Ming Tang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, An important mechanism for thermal rectification in graded nanowires, Applied Physics Letters 105 (20), 203111 (2014).

[71] Jun Peng, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, High-efficiency spin filtering in salophen-based molecular junctions modulated with different transition metal atoms, Physics Letters A 378 (42), 3126-3130 (2014).

[72] Xiao-Fang Peng*, Xin-Jun Wang, Li-Qun Chen, Jian-Bo Li, Wu-Xing Zhou, Gui Zhang*, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Thermal conductance associated with six types of vibration modes in quantum wire modulated with quantum dot, Physics Letters A 378 (30-31), 2195-2200 (2014).

[73] Wu-Xing Zhou, Shihua Tan, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Wenping Hu, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in InAs nanotubes by tuning quantum confinement effect, Journal of Applied Physics 115 (12), 124308 (2014).

[74] Huahu Ying, Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Guanghui Zhou, Negative differential resistance induced by the JahnTeller effect in single molecular coulomb blockade devices, Computational Materials Science 82, 33-36 (2014).

[75] Yue-Yang Liu, Wu-Xing Zhou, Li-Ming Tang, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Core-shell nanowire serves as heat cable, Applied Physics Letters 103 (26), 263118 (2013).

[76] Wu-Xing Zhou, Ke-Qiu Chen*, Li-Ming Tang, Ling-Jiang Yao, Phonon thermal transport in InAs nanowires with different size and growth directions, Physics Letters A 377 (43), 3144-3147 (2013).


[1] 指导18级本科生甘艳在美国化学会经典期刊《Langmuir》(中科院分区:2区TOP)上发表SCI论文;

[2] 指导19级本科生陈奥、童话在《Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics》、《Chin. Phys. B》上发表SCI论文;

[3] 指导研究生吴成伟的硕士学位论文被评为校级优秀学位论文;